Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What's in your body?

   I was reading an interesting article last night on produce and thought I'd share a few thoughts on it.  Apparently, it is perfectly legal for produce in the U.S. to be grown in soil treated with human waste.  Go ahead and read that last sentence again.

 That means all the pharmaceutical drugs, bacteria, heavy metals, and pretty much anything else being flushed down the toilet, are being absorbed by the "naturally" grown foods you buy at your local grocery store.  I'd like to commend Whole Foods for being the first, and only, major grocery store chain to ban sewage sludge from being used in the produce that it provides.
   The fact is that, unless you are literally growing and making your own food, you have absolutely no idea what you are really consuming.  Even when you think you do, you don't.  It has recently been confirmed by doctors Philippe Grandjean, MD, and Philip J Landrigan, MD, that fluoride is, indeed, a neurotoxin.  Yes, the same substance your city saturates the public water supply with, is KNOWN to cause "diseases" such as autism and adhd.
   I don't bring these topics up as scare tactics, but simply as a means to open your eyes to what it is we are consuming.  It would be impossible to eliminate every toxic substance from entering our bodies.  Luckily for us, the human body is naturally designed to fight these things off if, and only if, we do not over burden it's natural ability to do so by adding to the job. 

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